Old & Vintage Toys That Are Surprisingly Worth A Ton of Money Today

If you’re planning to declutter and go full Marie Kondo on your basement or attic, then it’s best if you don’t get too hasty. You should probably be more patient when it comes to relegating your old playthings to the trash bin or to your nearest Goodwill store. After all, some of the cheapest toys back then can be worth a ton of money today!

We’ve managed to compile some of the vintage toys that are worth a certain degree of money today. If you happen to have any of these vintage and old toys, then you could be in for a quick boost to your bank account. Who knows, you might have a valued toy that’s just gathering dust in your attic or basement!

Happy Meal Toys

One could argue that Happy Meals were the main reason why kids often looked forward to their next McDonald’s meal. The price of Happy Meal toys used to be free with every purchase of a happy meal. However, McDonald’s slowly removed Happy Meals from its value menu, causing prices to go up to $3.99 in most locations.

McDonald’s certainly doesn’t do it like they used to when it comes to Happy Meal toys. Interestingly, older Happy Meal toys are slowly skyrocketing in value. Who would’ve known that Happy Meal toys would be such an excellent investment? If you happen to own one in pristine condition, there’s a good chance you might be able to flip it for at least $100.
